So the shot of love has ended and beautiful angel Dani Campbell is back in the pool available for all crazy lesbians/bisexual women who experience very complex emotion when she graciously walks away from the making out couple. I was disgusted by the manipulating miss tequila, and I was relieved that the beautiful good angel is up for someone normal and more deserving.
A shot at love's finale has scored 6.2 million viewers, making it the second most watched MTV show just short of "The Hills." Also, as many of us already predicted, Domenico, got a contract with MTV and his dating show "That's Amore" will be aired next year in March. I love him, i cant wait to see him talk about American and Italian pubic hair with his contestants.
But what really really deeply touched my heart is Dani. It is the butch woman ,or according to herself, the "futch" woman I have been waiting for. The L Word tried to express butch woman mentality by having Max, only to crush the promisingly positive portrayal of butch woman by turning her into a confused, violent, grotesque partial transexual. Disappoint. Finally, as ignorant in the whole LGBT area as Tila was (she called herself "a bisexual" like a strange species and she was wondering if she should choose a guy or a girl, hello? that is confusion not bisexual) and as exploitative of gender stereotype as the show was, the production crew actually managed to find a perfectly adorable futch woman who is genuinely lovable and keeps her futchness from beginning to the end. They let her makes it to the final 2 and she became the most eligible lesbian in America. GOOD JOB ! MTV!
Not only that!!! the fire-fighter has plans to start her clothing line, called FUTCH, for women like her. I had thought about the same thing when I used to go shopping with Wendy. I know the frustration and how I wish I could just design something, or make a fashion line for woman who doesn't like dresses and tank tops yet still needa go to the girl bathroom unharassed. You might think that why don't they wear men's clothing....
Here is why. Basically men's clothing is cut very differently and they comes in men's sizes. When men try to show off their chest muscle, butch/futch women are not dying to show off their boobs. On the other hand, women's clothing, which focus a lot on curves tends to tighten around the waist and hip and has lower neckline. It usually doesn't flatter a butch/futch woman's body. Not everyone look like Kate Moennig. I have observed that many butch women are more on the heavy side, plus they like to work out their arms and shoulder, thus they tend to be "thicker" then an average curvy/chubby woman. They fall in a gap that no one care to cater to and that they can only pick from the accidental goodies somewhere between the men's and the women's section.
The reason why i spend so long talking about this is that Dani Campbell did everything I have been waiting for. she made a lot of things happened, on TV, in people's mind and in the society(hopefully). The portrayal of her is realistic, genuine and just seeing her break through all drama with only, nothing but only HONESTLY and always keeping a smile, is very heart warming. She is so comfortable with herself, and her futchness and did not get offended when someone is ignorant (so portrayed in the show). I am really glad that we have real futch woman like her on mainstream media, who is not always riding a chopper in flannel shirt and shouting men slur.
Happy lesbian makes me happy. That's why Rosie is Terrifying!!
I wasn't happy and it was a shame. I wasn't tough enough, I couldn't face everything with a smile. My heart breaks at everything and I failed. Loving someone with a broken heart to start with will only leave to a complete shattering of what little you hold precious. There is a saying that goes, you need to love yourself before you can love someone. I didn't understand that until I lose it.